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Elizabeth Bishop

Texas State University

Elizabeth Bishop is an associate professor in the History Department at Texas State University (TXST).



In 2017, Bishop attempted to have a conservative student and another professional fired from their jobs due to comments each made on Facebook with which Bishop disagreed.

The controversy began with a post by Texas State University Student Body Vice President, Colton Duncan, who objected to TXST hosting Angela Davis as a speaker. Davis, a Vice-Presidential candidate for the Communist Party USA, was once one of the FBI’s most wanted criminals for the murder of a trial judge. PJ Media reports Duncan calling Davis an “American terrorist,” while simultaneously denying the College Republicans the opportunity to host their women’s empowerment summit.

According to Campus Reform, Bishop then replied to Duncan’s post, stating it was a “shame” that students didn’t know the difference between Hitler and Stalin.

Alexander Morrisette, an employee of the conservative Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF), commented on Bishop’s reply, stating, “Enemies can have similar goals, interests, and dreams of autocratic control.”

Morrisette’s response evolved into a debate with Bishop in Facebook’s comment section. As each continued posting comments, an anonymous student, whose identity cannot be verified, proceeded to “like” all of Morrisette’s comments. This prompted Bishop to call Texas State University department that employed the student who had “liked” Morrisette’s comments asking that the student, and those whom Bishop described as the student’s “associates,” be investigated for “hate speech.” According to Campus Reform, Bishop also demanded that the university department that employed dismiss her from all leadership positions.

In an attempt to damage Morrisette’s employment, Bishop also contacted TPPF claiming that Morrisette had made disparaging remarks about her. Bishop, however, refused to give any further details.



To learn more about Angela Davis, please see her profile on the Professor Watchlist.

You may contact Texas State University at (512) 245-2111

Updated Spring, 2021

Professor Watchlist is a project of Turning Point USA, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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